Job search trifecta

Learn About the Job Search Trifecta

Albert Dickenson



There is a ton of job search advice out there. This may not come as a surprise to anyone, but a lot of it is simply bogus. At The Resume Rescue, over the last five years of service, only one method has proven to be practical and effective the vast majority of the time. We call it the job search trifecta: utilizing LinkedIn and all of its features, taking time to network and build your connections, and sending out the applications, time and time again. Please reference this article as you seek to understand how the job search trifecta (LinkedIn, networking, and applications) can improve your job search.

LinkedIn: Trifecta Part 1

LinkedIn, for whatever reason, often gets the short end of the stick regarding the job search. Many people view the platform as another social media outlet, but LinkedIn is more than that. Setting aside those few who would seek to turn LinkedIn into a typical social media platform focused on engagement, retention, and expansion, LinkedIn serves the job searcher by offering a singular, organized, and public place to share not only job updates, but so much more. Did you go back to school? Put it on LinkedIn. Gain a new certification, publish a new piece, or complete a milestone accomplishment? Head straight to LinkedIn to share it with your connections.

As the world grows more digitally savvy, hiring managers are not above searching for applicant information on social media. What they find on Facebook, Instagram, and other platforms can tell them a lot, but LinkedIn often says much more. Consider turning off the public settings on your other social media accounts just so you can bring your LinkedIn results up higher in the Google search. After all, when you are looking for a new role, do you want the world to see your personal life or your professional one?

Networking: Trifecta Part 2

Other than LinkedIn’s other obvious uses regarding organization and cataloguing your achievements, it is the best way to stay connected in a professional setting. At every institution you are involved in, make as many connections as possible. It does not matter if it is a school or a workplace institution, if someone can attest to your abilities, connect with them. From there, you can ask them to endorse your skills, write your recommendations, or introduce you to people in their own network. This can be an invaluable tool to get your foot in the door. It might not necessarily net you a job, but it could offer solid leads, a different perspective, or an alternative situation. Remember, it is not what you know, but who you know.

Applications: Trifecta Part 3

Okay, so this section does not really need much explanation… Except that it does. It is a common conception that “now is not a good time to apply.” This conception rears its ugly head consistently, all throughout the year. Yes, it is a good time to apply for the job. It does not matter if it is May and all the new graduates are looking for a role, nor December when hiring has slowed during the holiday season. What matters is that the company is looking for workers. If the application is open, then it is a good time to apply. The same lesson goes for economic downturns or booms. Apply for the job you want. Do not let anyone tell you to hold off for this reason or that.

With the job search trifecta in mind, utilize all of the available parts to net yourself a new role. Pay no attention to the doomsayers of a particular method or outlook. What matters is you putting yourself out there in the job-hunting world. This job search trifecta can help.

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