Job Seeking Tips for the December Grad

Albert Dickenson



As a December college graduate, there are some distinct advantages to consider, but also a few pitfalls to avoid. Let’s consider a few of these tips for the December grads to differentiate from the May grads.

The Year-end Transition

Maybe one of the most beneficial situations to come from December graduations is also one of the most difficult to overcome. For many, the end of the year hiring transitions can be challenging. That goes for people well established in their careers as well as those just starting out. As the year winds down, hiring tends to slow – companies don’t want to onboard due to the holidays, and many people are off for Christmas, New Year’s, Kwanza, and other events. This might put a damper on your hiring prospects as a December grad.

On the other hand, as January rolls around a new year, hiring restarts, often with a big boost in HR budget, time, and efforts. There are new quotas to meet! In this way, it could be a boon for those just entering the working world. As you look for a job, consider a few of these tricks when applying.

Get in the Door Before December

First, consider applying early. The key here is to get a job offer early. Maybe the start date will be delayed – that’s fine, postpone it until after finals, graduation, or even the holidays altogether. But if you have something locked down, there’s little stress about your next move. All of a sudden, your a little extra grateful this holiday season. Likewise, you don’t have to worry about applying for a job during finals or having to deal with scheduling interviews or whatever else. Focus on one thing at a time and give it your best.

Continue an Internship

It is not unlikely that you had an internship during your senior year. Is it possible to continue it? That might be a question worth asking. Consider this: as mentioned above, hiring tends to slow during the last few months of the year. Well, maybe the organization offering the internship can keep you on throughout the remainder of the year and until your replacement can be found. That might look a little odd on a resume, but also could be spun to show how much of an impact you had. They didn’t want to let you go! Plus, you have the added stability and income for the foreseeable future while you get your feet under you. That’s a win-win for all involved.

Don’t Despair

Maybe it’s seasonal depression. Perhaps there’s trauma around the holidays or family drama. Worried about the year to come? Whatever the situation, don’t despair. That’s the real killer of not finding a job. It is best not to wait for the New Year to apply – get out there now. But in the same breath, don’t task your mental health with finding something right out of college. You have lived a structured life for the past few years – maybe embrace some of the unstructured aspect of it now as well. If you get rejected from an application (or even a dozen), that’s okay, too. The point is how you carry it. Will you persevere and have hope? This article started by saying December has it’s unique challenges with job searching. Well, if you rise to meet them, the reward will forever be sweeter. Take these tips for December grads to heart.

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