Man searching for job on laptop outside.

Why You Should Keep Up Your Summer Job Search

Albert Dickenson



Here at The Resume Rescue, one of the most common questions we are asked during client interactions is if it is worthwhile to continue to look for a job during the summer. The short answer is a resounding “Yes!”, but the long answer paints a more complete picture. If you want to know the benefits of your summer job search, then keep reading this article.

Understanding Your Employer’s Summer

There are tons of misconceptions about why summer job searching is not worth it, but first, it is important to understand what companies go through during the summer. Many companies have their annual budgeting sessions in the summer, with their fiscal calendars often falling in late June or early July. While those few weeks leading up to the budget turnover may see some slowing of job market growth, overall, it will not impact your search significantly.

Second, many employers may be flush with summer interns – college students who have just finished a semester and are stepping out into the work world for a brief sojourn. It is true that these interns may take the coveted role you have been seeking, but remember, even if that is the case, it will not be for long. If you can, gently remind your perspective employer that while the short-term may be covered by the college student or recent graduate, you can provide them with the long term solution. This will certainly get their attention.

Relax in Your Summer Job Search

While there is generally no reason to panic with your summer job search, you should also realize that, if you get the interview or screening call, it may take awhile. May people, especially ones with children, will be taking their summer vacations during the peak travel season. This could give you a leg up in the search – maybe you want to focus on finding the job now and enjoy a fall or winter trip instead. But it also means that the time it takes for a company to get back to you could be longer, especially if the person in charge of hiring for the role is out of the office.

This means that while you should still be looking for work during the summer, maybe you can focus your attention elsewhere, too.

Take the Time to Improve Yourself

Maybe this supposed slowdown is an opportunity for you to focus your energies elsewhere. This can still be directly relevant to your job search – take time to network, learn a new job related skill, or conduct copious research while cooped up inside on a blistering hot day. Any of those strategies could be the winning one for you. Ultimately, it will be you who has to decide what to do with your time.

Likewise, maybe this is your opportunity to relax and enjoy the summer. If you have the extra time and energy, and feel as though your search has stalled, take a step back. Plant that garden. Read that book. Hike that trail. Whatever it is, you can do it! When you are refreshed, come back and attack your job search with a renewed sense of purpose. Again, it is your decision.

Maintain a Professional Summer Job Search

It is always easy to get comfortable, even when it is not a good idea. A 2020 article from The Muse reports people can get too comfortable in their search, particularly job interviews. Do not let your perspective supervisor catch you in flip-flops as you enter the building. Nor should you come to your remote/video interview in pajama pants and a blazer. It does not matter if they can only see you from the chest up – your whole appearance matters, and it will drastically impact your performance. Maintain the same level of professionalism as you normally would.

With that said, take these tips to heart as you look to continue your summer job search. In the end, they could be the things that make your break your success.

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