Why You Should Always Use LinkedIn

Albert Dickenson



Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, whether we like it or not. Many jobs use social media for outreach, research, marketing, or other purposes. LinkedIn, while not exactly set up like a typical social media outlet, is becoming more and more used in the workplace. LinkedIn has never been more prevalent than it is today and it will only grow. As you look to expand your career footprint, consider some of these reasons to consistently use LinkedIn.

Use LinkedIn Like a Digital Rolodex

LinkedIn is like a digital Rolodex, and that is one of the main reasons you should always use LinkedIn. It is a place to store all of your valuable connections, regardless if they are from your college days and you haven’t spoken to them in years or someone you met yesterday at a coffeeshop. This platform let’s you stay up to date with others while sharing your own journey, if you choose. You can stay focused on other like-minded professionals and professions or branch out if you want. Plus, unlike a physical Rolodex, you don’t have to switch out a business card every time someone gets a new job or promotion!

But in all seriousness, you get to decide what goes on your LinkedIn profile and feed. Share what you want and organize it however you feel the most comfortable.


Networking can be difficult, especially for introverts. Going out an meeting people may give someone anxiety and another person energy. LinkedIn levels the playing field a bit, allowing anyone to network with anyone else. Maybe this means messaging someone out of the blue, but it could be that LinkedIn is like the Facebook of the professional world: you use it to stay in contact with those couple of connections at this place or that place, in this relationship or that one. Either way, networking is a super valuable aspect of maintaining your professional brand.

Show You Care

Employee advocacy is a rarely discussed topic, but one of vital importance. Do you want to stand out at your company? Well, one of the ways you might be able to do that is by showing your brand loyalty. How would you do this? Tell the world (and your LinkedIn connections) how great of a company you work for. Tell them what you do there and why it is important. Share the positive impacts that are being made by your work and employer. According to a LinkedIn study, only about 3% of employees share their company’s good deeds. However, more interestingly, that 3% translates to about a third of all social media interactions for the business. So performing a small act can easily yield big results!

Being on LinkedIn doesn’t mean you have to only serve yourself with looking for a new job or making meaningless connections. Rather it can serve as a place of genuine connection and interest for those in the business. Learn how to use LinkedIn for all of its features and watch your career paths blossom.

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